Support Group

Welcome, Sis! You're at the Crossroad of Purpose and Calling

Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor;  for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and does not have another to lift him up. —Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 AMP

  • Do you feel a call in your heart that's drowned out by everyday noise?
  • Are old mindsets holding you back from your destined path?
  • Is your spirit yearning for a deeper connection and purpose?

It's time to shake off those chains! Together, we'll chart a course that's tailor-made by His design for you.

The Support We Offer

    • Weekly Accountability Meetings: Stay on track with the fervent support of like-minded women.
    • Weekly Coaching Sessions: Receive dove-tailed guidance tailored to your unique spiritual gifts and goals.
    • Exclusive Discounts on All Future Courses and Coaching Services: Continue your growth with us at a fraction of the price.
    • Privileged Email Support: Have your urgent questions and thoughts addressed throughout the week.
    • Weekly Prayer Calls: These calls are designed to uplift, encourage, and strengthen your spiritual walk, ensuring you align with God’s will for your life.
    • Bible Devotions with Journal Prompts: Start each week with focused Bible devotions that speak directly to your heart and mission. Accompanied by thought-provoking journal prompts.
    • Habits Trackers: Embark on a journey of self-improvement and accountability with our personalized habits trackers. These tools help you cultivate positive habits that align with your spiritual goals and God-given purpose.

Join Our Support Group Today. Get Your First Month Free!

Are you ready to rise? Let's connect– because your tomorrow starts today.