Our Services

Our services uplift, guide, and inspire you as you navigate the contours of this beautiful, yet bumpy journey called life. At Women Dream Builders, we offer a variety of resources catered to nourish your soul and strengthen your faith. Our number one mission is to help you discover your calling, walk in your purpose, and change your mindset about what's possible for your life.

Our Support Group

We know the road isn't always smooth, and sometimes, you need a soul-sister to help steer you back on track. Our Support Group is tailored to help you redefine success on your terms, find peace amid chaos, and live purposefully in every season of life.

Our Free Course

We're here to walk with you, step by step, on your spiritual journey. If you know you're destined for more, enroll in our free course. You're only five lessons away from gaining new insights into your divine calling and spiritual gifts through our Five Pillars of Purpose.

Why Join The Women Dream Builders Support Group

Remember John 9:4, “We must work the works of Him who sent us while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” Don’t put off to another day what God has equipped you to achieve now.

Bible Perspective

At WDB we offer a biblical approach to goal achievement so that you will be prepared for every good work. — 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Faith Community

At WDB we are our Sister's keeper. We are committed to your success so that the Father may be glorified. — Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Weekly Prayer

At WDB you will learn how to pray and develop a consistent prayer life through our weekly prayer meetings. — Luke 18:1-14

What our members are saying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our free course is exclusively available through our Women Dream Builders App. You will receive all the necessary login information to start your journey upon registering.

The first month of membership is free, after which it's just $24.99 monthly.

Please note that there are no refunds for the monthly subscription to our Support Group. However, you are free to cancel your membership at any time.